Oriental Magpie Robin


Oriental magpie robin is the National bird of Bangladesh. The Size of Oriental magpie robin is between 17 cm to 20 cm including the tail. Oriental Maggie-Robin male has glossy blue-black upper parts, head, throat and upper breast. Long tail is black, with white outer feathers..Wings are black with two bold, long, white wing bars. Underparts are white. The underparts and the sides of the long tail are white. Females are grey above and grayish white.Young birds have scaly brown upper parts and head. Bill is black. Eyes are dark. Legs and feet are blackish. Female is dull dark grey instead black on the same body parts. .Habit and habitat
The Oriental Magpie Robin is found in open woodland, cultivated areas often close to human habitations. They prefer open areas such as mangroves, gardens, cultivated areas. They are not found in the deep forest. Oriental Magpie-Robin feeds mainly on insects caught on the ground, and also flower nectar. It also consumes earthworms, snails, small lizards and some plant matter.
The Oriental Magpie Robin is also amongest the more familiar birds found about the haunts of Man. They live solitary, in pairs or in family groups, about human habitations. In the non-breeding season it is shy and quiet, skulking about in undergrowth. The Oriental Magpie Robin is a common and tame bird. It is terrestrial, hopping along the ground with cocked tail. The male sings a few melodic notes during courtship. Oriental Magpie-Robin searches for food on the ground, hopping with raised tail and foraging for preys.
The Oriental Magpie Robins have a delightful varied song and are said to be able to imitate the calls of other birds.


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